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New Titles

New titles added to the bibliography since the publication of the compilation Embedded: A Bibliography of Photo-Embedded Fiction & Poetry from the 1890s to 2023 (May 1, 2023). In chronological order.

Jacques Roubaud. Some Thing Black. Elmwood Park: Dalkey Archive Press, 1990. Poems in which Roubaud tries to come to terms with the death of his wife, Alix. A series of her b&w photographs called If Something Black is appended at the end of the book.

Vesna Main. Only a Lodger . . . And Hardly That: A Fictional Autobiography. Seagull Books, 2019. A novel in five parts, which tells the story of Main’s maternal and paternal grandparents. In the section called “The Poet,” a series of family photographs is used as part of the text.

Claire Donato. Kind Mirrors, Ugly Ghosts. Brooklyn: Archway Editions, 2023. Several of Donato’s stories contain drawings and color photographs.

Rikki Ducornet. The Plotinus. Minneapolis: Coffee House Press, 2023. A brief dystopian novel about a man imprisoned by a robot called the Plotinus (after the Greek philosopher). During his imprisonment, he thinks about philosophy, science, and freedom. Interspersed are cyanotype images of trees by Michael Eastman (the book is also printed in cyan type).